Tuesday 28 October 2014

Day 4 on 29.10.2014 / Donnerska visit and Allegro talks

You have been busy making videos during the weekend. Watch your friends videos, give comments and ask questions in the comment box. The prospect is that the whole group is prepared for the visit to Donnerska school.

Watch also this video about the Finnish education system:

Here is also a short article for you to read: 

Here is the agenda for our unique Wednesday:

Donnerska skolan, on Banergatan 3-5.
8.45 Meeting in the main lobby. You can come on your own. Linda will leave from Centria at 8:30 for those who want to go jointly.
9-9.20 Welcome by principal Kaj Holmbäck. Coffee and biscuits will be served in the staff room.
9.20 Meet the staff in the staff room (ask questions)
9.40-10.15 Meet the students. Division in groups with students, dialogue with the students.
10.15-11.00 Characteristics of basic education in Finland. Kaj Holmbäck

Going back to Centria.

13.00 Leaving for Pietarsaari. Meeting outside the cafeteria 12.55.
14.30-15.30 Allegro Talks at Campus Allegro
15.45 leaving back to Kokkola

You will have a chance to ask questions to the teachers and students. Think of questions you want to ask, be courageous. The students we will meet are 9th graders, prepare suitable questions also to them.

See you on Wednesday!
Linda and Peter

Ps. I will send a message to BBA teachers and ICT teachers about the visits.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Political System / Task 2

Political System/ Task 2

Learn in groups about the topics and make a presentation on one of these topics.
Number of people in the group: 4
Length: 10-15 min.
Deadline: 5.11.2014

Political Parties in Finland
-          Present the parties represented in the Parliament.
-          Discuss their agenda and their voters
-          Try to place the parties on traditional “left – right scale”


Finnish Foreign and Security Policy from the post WWII-setting to present day
-          Describe the Finnish neutrality during the cold war
-          Discuss the current Finnish policy of military non-alignment
-          Discuss advantages and disadvantages with a possible Finnish NATO-membership

 Requirement: Make a visual presentation (power point, prezi etc)
Show the listeners that you have understood the topic and elaborate on the topic. 
Use your own words in the oral presentation, take eye-contact with the audience. 
Use References at the end of the presentation. No presentation and no-show is graded with 0 for task 2. 
There is no second chance!

Literature in general and for the Mid-term exam!

This site has been updated 24.10 at 17.15. 
For the Midterm exam on 5.11.2014 - the covered topics will be Education, Political System and Music! The text in orange is obligatory reading! To make the Music section more clear, I have inclued an article for you to read in addition to reading about one important Finnish composer, band or Orchestra!
Literature in general and reading for the mid term exam

Education - for mid term exam:
Finnish Educational in a nutshell

Learning and Competences - Strategy of the Finnish National Board of Education

Supportive Reading among other publications by the Finnish National Board of Education:
Teacher Education in Finland

Teachers in Finland - Trusteed Professionals

Providing Education for the 2020s

Reading for Business and Economy to be added
Useful links for Business and Economy:
Reading before the Business parrt: Learn about the 4 most important industrial sectors in Finland.You may choose your own source. Economy will not be inlcuded in the exam! 
These links might help you:

Invest in Finland

Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Political System
Material and reading

Main outlines of Finnish history, By Dr Seppo Zetterberg, professor of history, University of Jyväskylä, updated January 2014 http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=160058&nodeid=41806&culture=en-US

Finland’s durable democracy in action, By Vilho Harle, April 2011 http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=217770&nodeid=41805&culture=en-US

Supportive reading: 
New president won’t start a revolution, By Kyösti Karvonen, February 2012  http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=241936&nodeid=41805&culture=en-US

Parliamentarism, By Jarmo Laine, senior science counsel, Academy of Finland, July 2011 http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=160051&nodeid=41805&culture=en-US

The Finnish System of Government: From a Mixed Constitution to Parliamentarism , by Jaakko Nousiainen

The Parliament

The Government

The President of the Republic

Read the article 30 Year of Music in Finland  http://www.fmq.fi/2014/09/30-years-of-music-in-finland/
and learn more about one important and famous Finnish composer, band or orchestra for the exam. Choose any site, these below might guide you:



Monday 20 October 2014

Day 3 on 22.10.2014 - Education and Political system intro

Good day, dear reader!

The topic of Wednesday's class is Education with a small introduction to Political System.

1. Course practicalities
- Exam literature and websites.
-  Helsinki trip on 3.12.
2. Presentations by the 3 groups followed with Q&A discussion

- Listen to the presentation, give feedback to the group after the presentation and ask one question.

3. Getting organized for the school visit on 29.10 at 9.00-11.30

- Meeting inside the main entrance at 8:45 Donnerska skolan, at Banérgatan 3-5.
4. Political System / Peter Finell

4. Allegro Talks in Pietarsaari 29.10 at 14.30

- We will leave Centria at 13.00
See you in classroom 264 at 15:10!
Linda and Peter

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Education in Finland (Lesson 2 on 8.10.2014)

Welcome to day 2 of the Finnish Society and Culture course.
Venue: starting in 264, continuing in 1010.

  • Practical issues:
Signing up in Sole-ops
Exam on 5.11.2014
Learning goal questionnaire
Trip to Helsinki 3-4 December

  • Starting to work on task 1 in groups (computers to use in 1010) Tablets are also available.
  • Introduction how to use collaborative writing through google drive. Teacher or peer-to-peer instruction in 1010.
  • Presentation of task 1 on 22.10.2014. Post your presentation here in the blog before class! Add the link to the comment box below!
Education is well presented under the Finnish Board of Education pages
Finnish Education in a nutshell.

National Core Curriculum will be a key document for understanding Finnish education

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Finnish Education

The Finnish Educational System is famous worldwide. We will look into some aspects of the Finnish educational system during the first part of the course.

The general objectives of the course is to understand how the educational system is built.
What is the general philosophy?
What is the curriculum? Who makes it? Who is following it up?
How is the Finnish system different to the educational system in your own country?
Discuss in small groups:

Why do you think Finland has become famous of its educational system?
How is the Finnish educational system constructed?
What values are central in Finnish education?
What is the teacher's role in University in Finland?
What is the teacher's role in elementary school in Finland?  

Write your group's reflections and answers to the questions in the comment box below, adding your names. 



Setting your own learning goals - Learning goal questionnaire 1/3

"You can learn as much as you want" either in this course or in life in general.

By setting your own learning goals you can steer your own learning process and find motivators and inspiration.

Fill in this learning goal questionnaire, taking into account what you have heard today about the course and according to your expectations related to the four topics: Business & Economy, Education, Music and Political System.

The learning goal questionnaire may be found by clicking here:
Whole address: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1bXxSK9P8VXLn4UPbgNN_uZum972CpFOWQeENL9n2_B8/viewform?usp=send_form

Course concepts - What methods, assessment and requirements?

Great that you have chosen to get insights into Finnish Society and Culture!

FOUR TOPICS: You will gain insights into Finnish business and economy, education, music and political system during the course.

ASSESSMENT: is based on activity and responsibility in teamwork (30%), presentations and videos (30%), the midterm exam (30%). Filling in Learning goal is compulsory (10%) and Peer evaluation will also be used.

BLOGGING: We will use this platform for the course. You will find information, tasks etc here. The blog is also the place where you will post your assignments and reflections.

CLASS TIME: We expect you to be in class during class time. This is the time when new topics are introduced, presentations made, new learning methods tried.

EXAM: There will also be an exam on 5.11.2014, based on the reading and your research findings. The exam is applied, where focus is on understanding the big picture. Why is something in a certain way? How is it compared to your own country etc.

HELSINKI: We will visit Helsinki on 3-4 December (TBO). We will visit the Parliament (tbo), a company, go to a concert, and a school/ministry/organization. You will make the grand plan!

LEARNING: will take place in many different ways. Some will be research-based, collaborative in small groups, by reading, be giving presentations, by listening to lectures, by making videos or by visiting interesting places. 

LEARNING GOAL QUESTIONNAIRE: is compulsory (Assessment 10%) and will help you in reaching your own learning goals. You will fill it in 3 times.

 READING: The course will also include some independent reading about Finnish Education, Business, Political System and Music. The reading is a base where you can build further knowledge.

SHARE: All findings will be shared in the blog: http://centriafsc2014.blogspot.fi/

TASKS: You will have tasks related to the four topics Business & Economy, Education, Music and Political System.

TEAMWORK: Collaborative learning is central in the course. You will do research together and publish your findings in different ways. Presentations, videos or blog texts.

VISITS: We will make visits on a local and national level. These visits will be related to the topics: Business, Education, Music and Political System.
You will have a big say in who we are going to visit! You will also be central in making these visits happen.

 Peter Finell and Linda Krokfors will be your pilots during the journey.
Looking forward to working with you!

Preliminary Course plan FSC 1.10-17.12.2014

Course Plan for Finnish Society and Culture

October: 1, 8, 22, 29
November: 5, 12, 19, 26
December: 3, 10, 17 feedback
Trip to Helsinki on 3 December! Introductions, requirements, assessment, learning goal questionnaire 1/3, planning for Helsinki
8.10.2014 Education: Get into the blog, team work task 1, planning for Helsinki
15.10.2014 Holiday
22.10.2014 Education presentations of the different educational units task 1 (1-6 grade, 7-9th grade, special education) and further elaborations. Political System introduction and getting started with team work task 2.
29.10.2014 Education visit in the morning to Donnerska Basic Education, grades 7-9. Allegro Talks in Pietarsaari at 14:30. We will leave at 13.00 from Talonpojankatu!.

5.11.2014 EXAM. Political System presentations of task 2. Further elaborations.
12.11.2014 Economy and Business. Blogging and making pretask (blogpost)
19.11.2014 Economy/Business Making short interviews in class and making & editing videos.Business introduction and introduction of task 3. Learning goal questionnaire 2/3.
26.11.2014 Preparation for business visit. Music introduction.

3.12.2014 Company visit
10.12.2014 Music presentations (task 4). What concert to go to between 10.12-16.12?
17.12.2014 Music discussions and reflections. Learning goal questionnaire 3/3. Feedback discussion.

This plan is subject to changes!

Political System content and objectives

The Finnish Political System

Objectives: The objective of this part of the course is to introduce the student to the Finnish political system, the political culture and the factors that have shaped the system to what it is today. After the course the students are expected to be able to describe the components of the Finnish political system and the division of powers between the highest organs of the state. The students are also expected to have an understanding of  the forces that have shaped the political culture, as well as for Finnish foreign and security policy.

1.       A Historical perspective on the political system
-          The three eras of Finnish history
2.       Political culture
-          The Swedish legacy
-          the Nordic Model
-          Values
-          “Borderland”
3.       Political parties
4.       The constitution
-          Main principles
-          Parliament
-          President of the republic
-          Government
-          Local government
-          The Swedish-speaking minority and Linguistic rights
5.       Finnish Foreign Policy
6.       The Local Government system

Material and reading:

Main outlines of Finnish history, By Dr Seppo Zetterberg, professor of history, University of Jyväskylä, updated January 2014 http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=160058&nodeid=41806&culture=en-US

Finland’s durable democracy in action, By Vilho Harle, April 2011 http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=217770&nodeid=41805&culture=en-US

New president won’t start a revolution, By Kyösti Karvonen, February 2012  http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=241936&nodeid=41805&culture=en-US

Parliamentarism, By Jarmo Laine, senior science counsel, Academy of Finland, July 2011 http://finland.fi/Public/default.aspx?contentid=160051&nodeid=41805&culture=en-US

The Finnish System of Government: From a Mixed Constitution to Parliamentarism , by Jaakko Nousiainen

The Parliament

The Government

The President of the Republic

Peter Finell