Wednesday 22 October 2014

Political System / Task 2

Political System/ Task 2

Learn in groups about the topics and make a presentation on one of these topics.
Number of people in the group: 4
Length: 10-15 min.
Deadline: 5.11.2014

Political Parties in Finland
-          Present the parties represented in the Parliament.
-          Discuss their agenda and their voters
-          Try to place the parties on traditional “left – right scale”


Finnish Foreign and Security Policy from the post WWII-setting to present day
-          Describe the Finnish neutrality during the cold war
-          Discuss the current Finnish policy of military non-alignment
-          Discuss advantages and disadvantages with a possible Finnish NATO-membership

 Requirement: Make a visual presentation (power point, prezi etc)
Show the listeners that you have understood the topic and elaborate on the topic. 
Use your own words in the oral presentation, take eye-contact with the audience. 
Use References at the end of the presentation. No presentation and no-show is graded with 0 for task 2. 
There is no second chance!

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