Wednesday 1 October 2014

Course concepts - What methods, assessment and requirements?

Great that you have chosen to get insights into Finnish Society and Culture!

FOUR TOPICS: You will gain insights into Finnish business and economy, education, music and political system during the course.

ASSESSMENT: is based on activity and responsibility in teamwork (30%), presentations and videos (30%), the midterm exam (30%). Filling in Learning goal is compulsory (10%) and Peer evaluation will also be used.

BLOGGING: We will use this platform for the course. You will find information, tasks etc here. The blog is also the place where you will post your assignments and reflections.

CLASS TIME: We expect you to be in class during class time. This is the time when new topics are introduced, presentations made, new learning methods tried.

EXAM: There will also be an exam on 5.11.2014, based on the reading and your research findings. The exam is applied, where focus is on understanding the big picture. Why is something in a certain way? How is it compared to your own country etc.

HELSINKI: We will visit Helsinki on 3-4 December (TBO). We will visit the Parliament (tbo), a company, go to a concert, and a school/ministry/organization. You will make the grand plan!

LEARNING: will take place in many different ways. Some will be research-based, collaborative in small groups, by reading, be giving presentations, by listening to lectures, by making videos or by visiting interesting places. 

LEARNING GOAL QUESTIONNAIRE: is compulsory (Assessment 10%) and will help you in reaching your own learning goals. You will fill it in 3 times.

 READING: The course will also include some independent reading about Finnish Education, Business, Political System and Music. The reading is a base where you can build further knowledge.

SHARE: All findings will be shared in the blog:

TASKS: You will have tasks related to the four topics Business & Economy, Education, Music and Political System.

TEAMWORK: Collaborative learning is central in the course. You will do research together and publish your findings in different ways. Presentations, videos or blog texts.

VISITS: We will make visits on a local and national level. These visits will be related to the topics: Business, Education, Music and Political System.
You will have a big say in who we are going to visit! You will also be central in making these visits happen.

 Peter Finell and Linda Krokfors will be your pilots during the journey.
Looking forward to working with you!


  1. How much does this trip to Helsinki costs?

  2. Good question! I will make some calculations and let's talk about it next week in class. Do you btw know of some good and cheap places to stay?
