Wednesday 1 October 2014

Political System content and objectives

The Finnish Political System

Objectives: The objective of this part of the course is to introduce the student to the Finnish political system, the political culture and the factors that have shaped the system to what it is today. After the course the students are expected to be able to describe the components of the Finnish political system and the division of powers between the highest organs of the state. The students are also expected to have an understanding of  the forces that have shaped the political culture, as well as for Finnish foreign and security policy.

1.       A Historical perspective on the political system
-          The three eras of Finnish history
2.       Political culture
-          The Swedish legacy
-          the Nordic Model
-          Values
-          “Borderland”
3.       Political parties
4.       The constitution
-          Main principles
-          Parliament
-          President of the republic
-          Government
-          Local government
-          The Swedish-speaking minority and Linguistic rights
5.       Finnish Foreign Policy
6.       The Local Government system

Material and reading:

Main outlines of Finnish history, By Dr Seppo Zetterberg, professor of history, University of Jyväskylä, updated January 2014

Finland’s durable democracy in action, By Vilho Harle, April 2011

New president won’t start a revolution, By Kyösti Karvonen, February 2012

Parliamentarism, By Jarmo Laine, senior science counsel, Academy of Finland, July 2011

The Finnish System of Government: From a Mixed Constitution to Parliamentarism , by Jaakko Nousiainen

The Parliament

The Government

The President of the Republic

Peter Finell

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