Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 8 on 26.11.2014 - Business and Learning goals

 The Lesson Plan for 26.11.2014 is the following:

- Practicalities: Visit to company rescheduled to 10.12.2014 TBC!
- Business in Finland Presentation / Linda

- Task 3 “Business interview” discussion /  Linda

- Learning goal ⅔  /  This is due on 30.11.2014 

See you in 264 at 15.10!!!


Saturday 22 November 2014

Business Introduction, OBIEKWE NDUKA

1.       What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?

The five most important sectors in Kokkola region are: Chemical Industry, communication technology, Boat building, Logistics and Social services

2.       Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?

Yes, they are the same across Finland, except Boat building.

3.       What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 

Printing and publishing company (KESKI-POHJANMAAN KIRJAPAINO OYJ)
Boliden Kokkola zinc plant
Freeport cobalt

4.       Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

I will like to visit Keski Pohjanmaan printing company because I want to know how the printing and publishing industry works.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Day 7 on 19.11.2014 - Economy and Business Life in Finland

Economy and Business Life in Central Ostrobothnia

Lesson on 19.11.2014

15.10 Wrap up of pretask (blog post) and Introduction of task 3 - company interview in pairs. / Linda (note: this is not a job application interview!)

15:30-16:00 How to make a video with ipads / Petri Rautiainen

16-17.00 - practice interviews. Practice asking questions that you would ask in a real company interview. Make short video clips of the interview, practice editing and make a short video clip at the end. This short clip can be e.g.:
  1. Show do’s when interviewing
  1. or don’ts when interviewing,
  2. how to prepare for a talking to a company
  3. what questions should you ask?
  4. something you think is relevant
  5. something you are worried about

17.00-17:30 - share your video in class using appleTV and feedback discussion

Learning objectives for the interview:
  • is able to retrieve and analyze information and evaluate it critically
  • is capable of taking responsibility for collaborative learning and sharing knowledge in teams
  • is able to take responsibility for one’s own actions and for the consequences of these actions
  • is able to work according to the ethical principles of the subject field
  • is able to take other people into account in one’s actions
  • is able to apply the principles of equality
  • is able to operate in communicative and interactive situations in working life
  • is able to utilize information and communications technology in one’s subject field
  • knows the working life in one’s subject field and is able to create personal contacts in working life and to operate in professional networks
  • is able to conduct research, development and innovation projects applying the existing knowledge and methods of the field
  • possesses communicative competence necessary for one’s work and for professional development in the subject field
  • is able to operate in a multicultural environment
  • takes into account the effects of and opportunities for internationalization development in one’s own field

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Business Introduction,Joseph Anyen

1. What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)\

The most significant sectors are chemistry, the metal and engineering industry, the boat industry, as well as information and communication technology.

2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?

The  key economic sector is manufacturing sector in Finland - principally the wood, metals, engineering, telecommunications, and electronics industries. As seen, they are almost the same with the sectors in Kokkola. I can conclude that Kokkola gives you a picture of Finland significant sectors as a whole.

3.What are the most important companies in Kokkola?

Boliden Kokkola zinc plant -
Koukkukuljetus, Kokkola - Company
Jukkolan Juustola Oy
OMG Kokkola Chemicals Oy - KIP (Kokkola Industrial Park)

4.Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit the JuJukkolan Juustola Oy, Because it is noted to contribute immensely to the production of milk in the country and i want to see how they do that.

Business introduction Krystian Gradowski

1. What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region?

- Metal Industry
- Logistics
- Services
- Chemical Industry

2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?

In my opinion the most important sectors in Kokkola are Chemical Industry and Electrical Industry.

3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola?

- Boliden Kokkola
- Solingen Finland
- Kemira
- Kokolan Energia

4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

I know that in Kokkola there is no 'international' or huge IT company but I would like to visit for example Anvia or some other company. I am studying here IT, so it is good for me visit company which is related with my field. I am curious how it looks like, let say from the 'backstage'. I would like to see also what they mainly focused on.

Business introduction, Egor Zmaznev

1.What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?
Metal industry and basic metal manufacture (Metallien jalostus ja metallituotteiden valm)
- Social services and medicine(Terveys- ja sosiaalipalvelut)
- Chemical industry
- Logistics
- Trade sector
According to and
2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?
To my mind, the most important sectors are practically the same,but their influence on whole Finnish economy differs.I suppose that logistics and trade sectors are two most important and most profitable sectors(mosty because the geographical location of Finland: being "between" Europe and Russian Federation gives great opportunities for these two sectors)
3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 
KPO group
Freeport Copalt Oy
Boliden Kokkola Oy
4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

Boliden Kokkola Oy, because it is one of the biggest employers in its sectors in Kokkola and working in the most important sector 

Business introduction, Pawel Kozimor

1. What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?
- social services
- metal industry
- chemical industry
- trade
- logistic

2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?
Yes because I think in Finland the most important is different kind of industry and in Kokkola is also one of the most important sector.

3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 
- Boliden Kokkola
- OMG Kokkola Chemicals
- Kemira

4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?
I would like to visit Boliden Kokkola, because I heard that this very big company and students have big opportunities to find a job in this company.

Monday 17 November 2014

Business Introduction, Enitan Odupitan

Kokkola (SwedishKarleby) is a town and municipality of Finland. The town is located in the province of Western Finland and is part of the Central Ostrobothnia region. The town has a population of 47,060 (31 January 2014) and covers an area of 2,730.81 square kilometers (1,054.37 sq mi) of which 1,286.61 km2 (496.76 sq mi) is water. The population density is 32.59 inhabitants per square kilometer (84.4 /sq mi). Neighbour municipalities are HalsuaKalajokiKannusKaustinenKruunupyyLestijärviLuoto and Toholampi.

The 5 most important sectors in Kokkola include, manufacturing (Boat Building),  Hotels & Hospitality, Chemical industry (which happens to be a major employer of labor), Retail Stores (H&M, Halpa-Halli, Lidl) and Educational sector.
Most of the important sectors in the city of Kokkola have the same high level of importance all over the country. The manufacturing sector have the highest rating in Finland. The list of some of the most important companies in Kokkola goes as follows; Tankarri Oy (In charge of student housing) Halpa-Halli, Lidl, Anvia (Cable TV/Internet/Mobile Telephone).

Being a graduate of a first degree in Electrical Engineering, I will like to pay a visit to the energy company(Kokkola Power Ab Oy) in charge of power generation and distribution in Kokkola, as this will provide a wider scope of how electricity is generated and distributed in the city of Kokkola.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Business introduction, Justyna Bernat

1.What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?
  • chemical industry
  • metal industry
  • trade
  • services 
 2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?

It is hard to specify if Kokkola's sectors are the same in all Finland. Partly yes, because chemical and metal industry are vital in both and foodstuffs. However, pulp and paper are characteristic just for Finland. 

3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola

4.Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

I would like to visit Kemira because I've read chemical industry is very important in Kokkola. I would like to get to know what is the reason of locating this company here and if it offers also work for international students.

Business introduction Jenish

1. What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?

The  important sector in kokkola are Metal and Chemical Industry,Raw material, Logistics, Trade and Service.

According to the employment statics from 2009 the most important sector are; In industry sector 16% (Chemical and Metal) Health and welfare, 13% in wholesale and retail, 8% in job or service sector in kokkola, 7% in transport and storage sector,6% in the building sector.

2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?

The most important sector the same in kokkola as in Finland are Electrical industry, Boat manufacture industry, Metal Industry, Forestry and Chemical industry, Printing and publication industry.

3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 

A: DANIN KELOLATTIA VIKSTRĂ–M DAN TMI ( Chemical, Chemistry, Rubber and Plastic Manufacture Company)

B: KOKOLAN ENERGIA (Electricity and Energy)

C: FOXWEAR OY ( Clothes, Fabric, Textiles Manufacture Company)


E; KEMIRA FINE CHEMICAL OY KOKKOLAN TEHTAAT ( Chemicals, Medicines, Pharmaceuticals,Pharmacy)

4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

Well in my case I would like to visit Kesko-pojanmaan kirjapaino oyj the printing and publishing organization i have heard that most of the foreign students as well as finnish citizen work in this company, I am curious to know how they hire worker and their working system and if there is any opportunity of getting job.

Friday 14 November 2014

Business Introduction - Hilda Sawe

1. 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa).
The most important sectors in Kokkola include the trade sector, service sector, the chemical industry, the metal industry and also the health and welfare services.

2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?
The most important sectors in finland are the manufacturing sector in the trade industry, the electronics industry, metal industry, forestry industry and the chemicals industry. As seen, the sectors in Kokkola are almost the same as the ones in whole Finland hence Kokkola is like a small part representimg the country.

3. most important companies in Kokkola.
Boliden Kokkola zinc plant, Kokkola Industrial park,  Kokkolan Energie, Foxwear Oy, Danin Kelolattia Vikström Dan Tmi. 

4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?
I would like to visit Foxwear Oy to see the clothes are manufactured, their designs and how the company contributes to the overall economy of Finland.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Business introduction Dominika Bartlova

1. What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?
chemical industry, metal industry, trade, logistics, raw materials
2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?
No, they are kind of different. I visited one very interesting web site where was written that Finland´s industry is based also on mining and tourism so its not what is Kokkola good at. So I think that every region is specific and a little bit different.
3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 
Boliden, OMG, Kemira, KPO Group, CABB Oy
4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?
I would like to visit Boliden because I red that it is a very big company where many students have the opportunity to work. So I want to know exactly what they are doing and if there are some opportunities of getting a job.

Business Introduction, Josef Necas

  1. What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?

  • Private services
  • Health and social services
  • Industry
  • Trade
  • Primary production ??? (alkutuotanto)
According to


  • Renewable energy
  • Sea cluster
  • Metal industry
  • Plastic industry
  • Environmental technology
According to

2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?

I think that as Kokkola is close to the sea, there is more improtance of sea cluster industry, also in the previous document, there was mentioned that Central Ostrobothnia puts a great deal of emphasis to renewable energy and environmental technology. I don't know if it's true.

3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 

OMG, Boliden, Kemira, Freeport Cobalt Oy, KPO Group, CABB Oy

4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

Probably Boliden, Kemira or OMG, because they are the biggest companies here in Kokkola and it would be interesting to visit them.

Responses to the quiestionnaire / Helsinki

According to our survey, the majority will not be able to participate. Therefore, we will, unfortunately, not go on an excursion to Helsinki on 3.12.2014. We will do something else instead :-)

Here are the results: 

Will you be able to be absent from your other classes on 3.12.2014?


Will you be able to participate in the trip to Helsinki and pay EUR 45 by 25.11?


From what parliamentary group would you like to meet a member at the Parliament?

Social Democratic Party Parliamentary group538%
National Coalition Party Parliamentary group538%
Finns Parliamentary group18%
Centre Party Parliamentary group18%
Left Alliance Parliamentary group00%
Swedish Parliamentary group00%
Christian democratic Parliamentary group18%

What company or sector would you like to visit?

Itella group
Power Sector
Agric Sector
Neste Oil, petroleum, biofuels


Blogging and doing small scale reserach

Blogging is to write about situations and topics from a contextual but also more personal point of view. Blogs are updated regularity and are usually open to the public. Blogs can be personal, but also open to groups.
Our blog is an educational blog, where we share knowledge and reflections and learn together from each other.

Blog posts in our blog should not be too long, but the posts need to stick to the topic and the questions.  Write in your own way, but with correct language and full sentences.

Reflection means to write about one's thoughts and opinions. Write your posts so that you use full sentences and correct language.

Ethics: Remember to respect others when writing in the blog. Writing about others in a negative manner is absolutely not allowed. When commenting others posts, write in an encouraging manner.

To get started: 

In order to write in this blog, you need to provide me with you gmail account so that I can add you to the blog. Send it to me now:

After that I will invite you to the blog.

After you accept the invitation, you can start writing in the blog.

To write a post, click new post. Add the suggested title and labels (in the right hand-side). In the company interview case the labels are the following: Company interview, Linda Krokfors and Peter Finell. After that you can just start writing :-)

You can save the post and continue another time. Your post will be seen in the blog when you push publish! Check always what the post looks like in preview and make modifications if needed. You can also modify already published posts by opening the post and pushing "update".

BLOG TASK TODAY 12.11.2014

Research on your own and look for the following information:
1. What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?
2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?
3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola?
4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

Write your answers to the blog, meaning that you will write a "new post". 
Title: Business introduction Linda Krofkors (your name)
Label: Business, your full name (Linda Krokfors)

Start with this in class. If you do not finish during class, have it done by Sunday 16.11.2014. 
Learning objective:
- Learn basics about blogging and how to make a post
- Learn about main business sectors in Finland and the local region 
- Learning about companies in Kokkola
- Becoming acquainted with information related to Task 3/ Business