Tuesday 18 November 2014

Business introduction, Egor Zmaznev

1.What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?
Metal industry and basic metal manufacture (Metallien jalostus ja metallituotteiden valm)
- Social services and medicine(Terveys- ja sosiaalipalvelut)
- Chemical industry
- Logistics
- Trade sector
According to http://www.kase.fi/tilastot/tilastot-julkinen.php and http://www.keski-pohjanmaa.fi/tilastot-ja-ennakointi/elinkeinorakenne
2. Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?
To my mind, the most important sectors are practically the same,but their influence on whole Finnish economy differs.I suppose that logistics and trade sectors are two most important and most profitable sectors(mosty because the geographical location of Finland: being "between" Europe and Russian Federation gives great opportunities for these two sectors)
3. What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 
KPO group
Freeport Copalt Oy
Boliden Kokkola Oy
4. Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

Boliden Kokkola Oy, because it is one of the biggest employers in its sectors in Kokkola and working in the most important sector 

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