Sunday 21 December 2014

Consert review - Egor Zmaznev

Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert.

On Thursday, 11th of December, I have visited a consert at Central Osrtrobothnia Canservatory Hall. As I understood, this concert was organized by our university because it was students consert. Students are studying in musical department of  Centria UAS. The most of songs were in Finnish and that's why were ununderstandable). I really enjoyed that evening because even if it was students concert, singers were amazing. In addition, there weren't a lot of people. So it was really awesome and interesting. Also consevatory's accoustic is really great. Everything sounds awesome and everything was great.

Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers?

As I said most of songs were in Finnish. Also there were a lot of songs without lyrics. All music was played by university music department students. Music, they played was very ranged. There were some jazz songs and christmas songs, also there was a soul/soul jazz. I really like the melody of the songs. Sometimes there were religious-lie songs that i don't like that much. Also there was a lot of sad music(maybe it wasn't but i don't know finnish). I also found out that students conserts are organized practically every month and i really want to visit it again. The main problem is that I don't know finnish but this will change during some time).
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Concert review - Justyna Bernat

Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert.

On Friday, 5th December I went to the concert organised by Ny Start Church. There I listened to songs sang by Finnish people in English, beautiful version of well known melodies in African way and Spanish songs. I enjoyed my time and in the future I'd like to attend this kind of concert again. 

 Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers?

The main topic of the concert were Christmas songs and own versions of them. I enjoyed the most versions of Kaj Kiviniemi from Great Wide North group. His voice was very nice and it was a pleasure to be there. I liked also Spanish songs, I learn this language so it was nice to hear and at the same time understand the lyrics. 

Thursday 18 December 2014

Concert review - Pawel Kozimor

Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert.

Before we had task to go to concert I already went for one concert which had place in Central Ostrobothnia Conservatory. It was free concert made by group Soul Crew. I couldn’t find more information about composers because all information about it which I found were in Finnish and also concert except lyrics was in Finnish but I know that some of composers were studying at Central Ostrobothnia Conservatory.

Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers?

I have to admit that I went on this concert because I was bored end I thought it will be boring because it is not music which I listen but when they started to play I really liked and most of the songs was very good. Songs were very rhythmic and danceable. Music which they played it was Funk music and some people were dancing and all people really liked their performance so they had to play extra song at the end. Since I went to this concert I listen sometimes Funk music. I also recorded short video when they were playing.

Thank you and Happy Holidays!

Dear all,

Thank you for taking the course! I hope you have learned some facts and insights about Finland and have deepened  your interest to learn more. It was great to end the course by visiting Boliden, seeing parts of the process and hearing about the company.

Make sure you have all assignments done; presentations sent by e-mail to Peter and Linda, blog posts done etc so that you will get the credits for the course.

You also need to fill in the last (obligatory) learning goal questionnaire, which you find here

Happy holidays and prosperous new year to all of you!

Peter and Linda

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Concert review : Calle Night club -Hilda Sawe

Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert.
I attended one concert on 3rd October 2014 in Calle Night Club in kokkola and there was a performance from Teflon Brothers. This is a finnish rap group which is made up of three men namely; the saint, Heikki Ball and Voli. They write their own music and produce it.

 Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers? 
The music was nice and we were singing along at some point. This was really the best moment i have had in a club in Kokkola since i came here considering that their music is so different from ours.The two albums i heard them performing are: the white dune riders and father's day. The Telfon Brothers mostly play rap music and also hiphop. I would definately want to meet them again!

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Anvia - Company Interview

Present the company and sector where it is active.

It is a communication company which provides internet connection and selling various technological devices such as laptops, routers, phones, tablets etc.

Why did you choose that company?

I chose this company because it is connected to my study field and I am using internet connection from this company.

What are the main products/services the company offers to the market? 


Internet, TV, tablets, laptops, smart phones and other electronically devices.


What are the main markets for the company? 


Especially technological markets.


Add a picture and include references from where the picture is.  

Self-reflection: Would you like to work in that field in the future and why?

We would like to work there only as an internship to get a new experiences.

Pawel Kozimor and Krystian Gradowski

Monday 15 December 2014

Concert Enitan Odupitan

Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert.

Since the class couldn't come to a uniform decision on which concert we need to visit as a group, I opted for the one I could easily attend. This was on Friday 5th December, 2014, and the venue was at the Ny Start Church. This was part of the program put together by the church in celebration of the yuletide season, I initially thought it will be a religious performance but I was mistaken. Lots of melodies were sang and I was marveled at the atmosphere, it was really a great night and I never had any regrets attending the concert. English tunes were sang, in addition to the African melodies and Finnish versions of this lovely songs.

Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers? 

This was actually the first time I will be listening to music being done in Finnish, the rhythm is so soothing and mind-relaxing, I will definitely honor an invitation to visit any Finnish concert in the future. I have a new and wider view of Finnish music and I am motivated to search more of these rhythms online. One of the songs that really got my attention from the list of songs was that of a Finnish composer which was actually a group by the name Great Wide North led by Kaj Kiviniemi, from records this group made it to the finals of the EuroVision Pre-selection.
Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert?

One of the composers, who played at the concert was a 30 year old pastor Kai. I had the opportunity to talk to him and when he was younger, he played in a rock band. She said that a lot, often visited different places with his band, but did not give him any satisfaction. We are constantly looking for something to satisfy his soul. Resorted to various things, until he was a pastor and says he does not regret it, because I can continue to do what he loves - music.

Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers? 

The concert took place in Ny Start Kokkola Church 5th December. I came there with three of my friends. On site we were very warmly welcomed. After a short while we moved to a larger room where we waited for the concert. We were at a concert of Christmas songs, so the interior is also referred to the Christmas, which I loved. At some point, the scene came a man with a woman, who were leading this evening. After the official welcoming all the guests have announced the first performer who was pastor Kai. He said a short prayer, and then proceeded to performance. After the leading announced the following performers who were from Africa, exactly (Kenya, Ghana and Nigeria). They have done a great song, but in the African version, using African instruments. I really enjoyed it, not only me but also the entire audience, further stimulated everyone without exception. After their performance came part of the entertainment. Based on the fact that using your phone, you had to answer the question, and it was a display by the projector. It was very funny e.g. to the question 'What will you do at Christmas?', most said they would go to the sauna. Successively on the scene came a man who is associated with the church and has a motorcycle club, which goes to different places to preach the word of Jesus. Anyway, he told his story of life, how he became the atheist, a believer. Frederico manages Church pastor who has a wife and three children (I hope not mistaken). Leading announced pastor's wife and his children, who are also a fantastic song. It was 'I wish you a Marry Christmas ...' in the implementation of both English and Spanish, because the family has Spanish roots. I had the opportunity to meet the pastor and his children and talk to them. Fantastic people and full of life. The whole organization of which I thoroughly enjoyed, every performance is different from each other, the music was free, fast (execution African). All this meant that I would gladly chosen again for this type of performance.

Krystian Gradowski.
Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert?

I attended a musical concert at Ny Start Church on the 5th December 2014. The concert was primarily Pre Christmas and carol night but it turned out to be something really exciting.The composers included both Africans and Finnish. Among the Finnish composers included the GREAT WIDE NORTH group led by Kaj Kiviniemi, this group was one of the finalist in 2013 Finnish Euro-vision Pre-selection. Other Finnish composer was Juuso Salvolainen. And there were also a mind-blowing African group who made my day.

                                        GREAT WIDE NORTH group led by Kaj Kiviniemi

Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers? 

The concert was exciting and entertaining. The Finnish composers’ gave us an exclusive classical Finnish carol songs, very relaxing and refreshing. The Finnish Group was the Great Wide North. Their songs were relaxing and entertaining. The African composers also rocked the night with their version of carol songs which made me remember how Christmas is celebrated back home. It was electrifying, entertaining and everybody really enjoyed themselves.

Company Interview (Rubel Hussain)

 Present the company and sector where it is active.

The company I have visited it called Squash and Bowling center, Seinajoki. It is a sports center where people spend their leisure time with friends and family. It established in January 2014 and the person I met his name is Eero Rahnasto, (manager). 

- Why did you choose that company?

Because, I think it is a good business idea.  In Finland, especially in winter time people do not have anything to do in cold weather. At least they can come out with family and friends to their to enjoy their free time by playing different kind of games. 

- What are the main products/services the company offers to the market?

They have 12 different kind of games such as Bowling, Biljardi, Squash and Racketball and so on. Also they have gymnasium, sauna and restaurant in same place. 

- What are the main markets for the company?

Though it is a local company so ultimately local people are the main customers. 

 - Add a picture and include references from where the picture is.

- Self-reflection: Would you like to work in that field in the future?

Yes, Though I am a business student so, I am interested to know the facts and possible future of this business. I think, in Finland people are increasing day by day and finding more place to visit and enjoy and it can be a good idea where to invest.  

1.       What are the 5 most important sectors in Kokkola region (Keski-Pohjanmaa)?

The 5 most important Sectors in Kokkola region include the
a.    Chemical Industry
b.    Energy Industry
c.    Metal Industry
d.    Logistic Industry
e.    Services

2.       Are the most important sectors the same in Kokkola (Central Ostrobothnia) as in Finland?

I think most of the sectors in Kokkola are the same sectors in Finland especially the Energy and the Chemical Industry

3.       What are the most important companies in Kokkola? 
Halpa Halli
Boliden Kokkola zinc plant
Freeport cobalt
Koukkukuljetus, Kokkola - Company
Jukkolan Juustola Oy

4.       Reflect on what company would you like to visit? Why?

I will like to visit Keski Pohjanmaan printing company because I have the desire to establish a Publishing firm in my country in the future. I will use this opportunity to know about the operations of a publishing firm.

Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert.
I visited a musical concert at Ny Start Church on the 5th December 2014. The concert was about Pre Christmas Carol night. There were a lot of international and Finish composers. Among the Finnish composers included the GREAT WIDE NORTH group led by Kaj Kiviniemi, this group was one of the finalist in 2013 Finnish Eurovision Pre-selection. Other Finnish composer was Juuso Salvolainen.  There was also an African Music Group. 

Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers? 
The concert was very fun, entertaining and energetic. The Finnish composers’ rock us with classical Finnish carol sings. The tempo of the Finnish songs makes you relaxed. The Finnish Group that rocked the night was Great Wide North. Their songs were electrifying. It was awesome and fun. The African composers also gave their version of carol songs which made the place very entertaining. This concert still rock in my mind.    

Sunday 14 December 2014

Write a description of one of the Finnish composers whose music is played in the concert.

We visit a musical concert at Ny Start Church, the concert was beautiful and fun, we listen to different songs from Africa and Finland, we also listened to a popular composer with the group name “GREAT WIDE NORTH” .

Write a review of the concert. Eg. What did you like? Why? Who were playing? What kind of music? By what composers? 

It was a pre-Christmas concert, we listen to Christmas songs in Finnish language, in English and in some African languages. The atmosphere was conducive, though it was performed inside the Church hall, we had lots of discussion and exchange of ideas.

The picture at the left side of the screen was taken by me at the concert.