Monday 1 December 2014

KOKKOLAN ENERGIA- Company interview

- Present the company and sector where it is active.

Kokkolan Energia Company was started by Gustav 2 Adolf in 1620. The main Company and plant is in Kokkola but with many offices around the country. It is active in the energy sector and provides electricity to the whole Finland.

 - Why did you choose that company?

We chose this company because we are interested to know more about the energy sector in Finland.

- What are the main products/services the company offers to the market?

1. They produce and sell electricity to the whole country.
2. They produce and sell heat in Kokkola area.
3. They build and repair transformers.
4. They provide employment to the local people.

 - What are the main markets for the company?

Their main market is Finland as a whole and especially  kokkola area.

 - Add a picture and include references from where the picture is.


The first picture was taken in front of the Kokkolan Energie office. The second one was taken on the plant and site. Both were given to us by the company's Public Relations officer hence no reference.

- Self-reflection: Would you like to work in that field in the future?Yes.

  Why?  Because it employs very high technology in their production that we are interested in.


  1. Hi! The history part of the information is not correct. The city of Kokkola was established in 1620, not the energy company.The ownership structure is very peculiar in Finnish energy companies. Kokkolan energia ownes shares in Pohjolan voima and it is important to think of energy, heat, power as a network. You will find more info from pohjolan voima webpages in
