Tuesday 9 December 2014

 Present the company and sector where it is active.
New Boliden Kokkola Oy is a mining and smelting company focusing on production of copper, zinc, lead, gold and silver. This is originally Swedish company.This company is one of the most important employers in its sector.Also New Boliden is working in one of the most important sectors in Central Ostrobothnia.You can check it on the previous post in our blog.The company has approximately 4,500 employees.New Boliden highly ranked among Swedish employers and Finnish as well.
Why did you choose that company?
I have chosen it because this company has extremely long history. Boliden is developing from day to day,it can be seen through the statistics.
What are the main products/services the company offers to the market?
As I said earlier New Boliden is mining and smelting company."Boliden produces metals that make modern life work."-this how is said on their web-site. Its main products are zinc and copper concentrate, with some lead, gold and silver content.Business Area Smelters refines both metal concentrate and secondary materials to produce base and precious metals at smelters in Sweden, Finland and Norway.
What are the main markets for the company?
Key markets are in Sweden,Finland,Norway and Ireland.In Sweden,Norway and Ireland mining production developed better nd in Finland-smelting.
 Add a picture and include references from where the picture is. 

Self-reflection: Would you like to work in that field in the future and why?
I am not sure about working in this field, however this field is highly developed and have a great competitiveness. At the same time industrial business is highly profitable nowadays.


  1. Thank you very much for your post. It was very interesting to read. I learnt many facts like the number of employees, main markets and products. We can use your report as a material for Boliden preparition text. I am really looking forward to go there. Dominika

  2. You mention the web site many times. Have you interviewed the company?

  3. Also, have you done the task in a pair of two?
