Monday 15 December 2014

Company Interview (Rubel Hussain)

 Present the company and sector where it is active.

The company I have visited it called Squash and Bowling center, Seinajoki. It is a sports center where people spend their leisure time with friends and family. It established in January 2014 and the person I met his name is Eero Rahnasto, (manager). 

- Why did you choose that company?

Because, I think it is a good business idea.  In Finland, especially in winter time people do not have anything to do in cold weather. At least they can come out with family and friends to their to enjoy their free time by playing different kind of games. 

- What are the main products/services the company offers to the market?

They have 12 different kind of games such as Bowling, Biljardi, Squash and Racketball and so on. Also they have gymnasium, sauna and restaurant in same place. 

- What are the main markets for the company?

Though it is a local company so ultimately local people are the main customers. 

 - Add a picture and include references from where the picture is.

- Self-reflection: Would you like to work in that field in the future?

Yes, Though I am a business student so, I am interested to know the facts and possible future of this business. I think, in Finland people are increasing day by day and finding more place to visit and enjoy and it can be a good idea where to invest.  

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