Tuesday 9 December 2014

Halpa-Halli - Company Interview

Present the company and sector where it is active.
Kokkolan Halpa-Halli Oy is a privately owned family business founded in 1969. It was in that year that founder, Esko Ylinen, opened the first Halpa-Halli store at 21 Rantakatu in Kokkola.
Today Kokkolan Halpa-Halli has 38 shops. The northernmost store is in Tornio and the southernmost is in Pori which is also the largest outlet in the chain.
Kokkolan Halpa-Halli Oy has its headquarters in Kokkola, which is also home to the company's main logistics centre. The retail chain as a whole employs approximately 1,400 people, 300 of whom are based in Kokkola.

 Why did you choose that company?
 We have chosen this company because we do most of our shopping there and we are familiar with this store. It is also rated as one of the best retail outlet in city of Kokkola.

 What are the main products/services the company offers to the market? 

The Halpa-Halli chain's stores are department stores offering a complete range of products, including clothing and textiles for the whole family, everyday items, cosmetics, car accessories, home electronics and food.


What are the main markets for the company? 

Kokkola area


 Add a picture and include references from where the picture is.  



Self-reflection: Would you like to work in that field in the future and why?
Yes, by having a good position there, for ex. manager we can put into practice the knowledge we will acquire at school. 


  1. Hello Justina,
    thank you very much for a very interesting report. I was so suprised when I found out that Halpa-Halli is family business. Good to know all these facts about this place that we are visiting very often. DOminika

  2. Very interesting! With who did you meet at Halpa-Halli?
